Surah Taha Tafseer
Tafseer of Taha : 39
Saheeh International
[Saying], 'Cast him into the chest and cast it into the river, and the river will throw it onto the bank; there will take him an enemy to Me and an enemy to him.' And I bestowed upon you love from Me that you would be brought up under My eye.
Ibn Kathir
Tafseer 'Ibn Kathir' (EN)
أَنِ اقْذِفِيهِ فِي التَّابُوتِ فَاقْذِفِيهِ فِي الْيَمِّ فَلْيُلْقِهِ الْيَمُّ بِالسَّاحِلِ
(Allah) said:"You are granted your request, O Musa! And indeed We conferred a favor on you another time (before).When We inspired your mother with that which We inspired. Saying:`Put him (the child) into the Tabut and put it into the river; then the river shall cast it up on the bank,
This is a response from Allah to His Messenger, Musa, for what he requested from His Lord. It also contains a reminder of Allah's previous favors upon him.
The first was inspiring his mother when she was breastfeeding him and she feared that Fir`awn and his chiefs would kill him.
Musa was born during a year in which they (Fir`awn's people) were killing all of the male children. So she placed him in a case and cast him into the river. The river carried him away and she became grieved and distressed, as Allah mentioned about her when He said,
وَأَصْبَحَ فُوَادُ أُمِّ مُوسَى فَارِغاً إِن كَادَتْ لَتُبْدِى بِهِ لَوْلا أَن رَّبَطْنَا عَلَى قَلْبِهَا
And the heart of the mother of Musa became empty. She was very near to disclose his (case) had We not strengthened her heart. (28:10)
So the river carried him to the home of Fir`awn.
فَالْتَقَطَهُ ءَالُ فِرْعَوْنَ لِيَكُونَ لَهُمْ عَدُوّاً وَحَزَناً
Then the people of Fir`awn picked him up, that he might become for them an enemy and a (cause of) grief. (28:8)
Means that this was a destined matter, decreed by Allah.
They were killing the male children of the Israelites for fear of Musa's arrival. Therefore, with Allah having the great authority and the most perfect power, He determined that Musa would not be raised except upon Fir`awn's own bed. He would be sustained by Fir`awn's food and drink, while receiving the love of Fir`awn and his wife.
This is why Allah said,
يَأْخُذْهُ عَدُوٌّ لِّي وَعَدُوٌّ لَّهُ وَأَلْقَيْتُ عَلَيْكَ مَحَبَّةً مِّنِّي
and there, an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his shall take him. And I endued you with love from Me,
This means that I made your enemy love you.
Salamah bin Kuhayl said,
وَأَلْقَيْتُ عَلَيْكَ مَحَبَّةً مِّنِّي
(And I endued you with love from Me),
"This means, `I made My creatures love you."'
وَلِتُصْنَعَ عَلَى عَيْنِي
in order that you may be brought up under My Eye.
Abu `Imran Al-Jawni said,
"This means, `You will be raised under Allah's Eye."'
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