Surah Al Isra Tafseer
Tafseer of Al-Isra : 98
Saheeh International
That is their recompense because they disbelieved in Our verses and said, "When we are bones and crumbled particles, will we [truly] be resurrected [in] a new creation?"
Ibn Kathir
Tafseer 'Ibn Kathir' (EN)
Allah says:
ذَلِكَ جَزَاوُهُم بِأَنَّهُمْ كَفَرُواْ بِأيَاتِنَا
That is their recompense, because they denied Our Ayat,
Allah says:`This punishment, being resurrected blind, dumb and deaf, is what they deserve, because they disbelieved,
(Our Ayat), i.e., Our proof and evidence, and did not think that the resurrection could ever happen.'
وَقَالُواْ أَيِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا وَرُفَاتًا
and said:"When we are bones and fragments..."
meaning, when we have disintegrated and our bodies have rotted away,
أَإِنَّا لَمَبْعُوثُونَ خَلْقًا جَدِيدًا
shall we really be raised up as a new creation!
meaning, after we have disintegrated and disappeared and been absorbed into the earth, will we come back a second time Allah established proof against them and told them that He is able to do that, for He created the heavens and the earth, so raising them up again is easier for Him than that, as He says:
لَخَلْقُ السَّمَـوَتِ وَالاٌّرْضِ أَكْـبَرُ مِنْ خَلْقِ النَّاسِ
The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of mankind; (40:57)
أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْاْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ الَّذِى خَلَقَ السَّمَـوَتِ وَالاٌّرْضِ وَلَمْ يَعْىَ بِخَلْقِهِنَّ بِقَادِرٍ عَلَى أَن يُحْىِ الْمَوْتَى
Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and was not wearied by their creation, is able to give life to the dead. (46:33)
أَوَلَـيْسَ الَذِى خَلَقَ السَّمَـوتِ وَالاٌّرْضَ بِقَـدِرٍ عَلَى أَن يَخْلُقَ مِثْلَهُم بَلَى وَهُوَ الْخَلَّـقُ الْعَلِيمُ
نَّمَأ أَمْرُهُ إِذَا أَرَادَ شَيْياً أَن يَقُولَ لَهُ كُن فَيَكُونُ
Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth, able to create the like of them.
Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Supreme Creator. Verily, His command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is! (36:81-82)
And Allah says here
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